+55 (47) 3349-6168 kevenoll@kevenoll.com.br

Even before Covid-19 disposable gloves were indispensable in hospitals and other healthcare agencies. Besides their’ use is for handling hazardous materials and they serve for the protection of both the wearer and the patients.

Therefore, different types of gloves exist for different applications. Let’s get to know the most used types.

Latex Gloves

Latex disposable gloves are the most common and the most widely used. They are made of common rubber and have a very low production cost.

These gloves fit well to the hands and are easy to put on, although they have the disadvantage of causing allergies in some people. In these cases, both the person wearing the glove and the one being handled (in the case of medical procedures) is subject to allergic reactions that can range from an itch to a more intense anaphylactic reaction.

Vinyl gloves

Vinyl disposable gloves are made from a synthetic polymer that brings some advantages over latex gloves. The main one is the much lower possibility of allergies, since the synthetic material does not usually cause this type of reaction.

The need for talc is quite common for vinyl gloves, since without the substance, it is very difficult to put them on, especially when your hands are sweaty.

Nitrile Gloves

The disposable gloves made of nitrile, which is a type of synthetic rubber, are the most used in medical procedures that deal with hazardous substances. This is because this type of disposable glove offers the highest resistance to punctures and tears.

Regardless of the type of material, Kevenoll has them for every kind of situation you need.

For example:

✔️Our Top Nugard gloves are used for use in food, aesthetics, housework, industry cleaning and maintenance where there is no need for a sterile glove.

✔️Nugard gloves are indicated for hospitals, medical, veterinary, dental clinics and other health establishments where there is need for protection against biological risks.

✔️Nugard PF gloves are indicated for hospitals, medical, veterinary, dental clinics and other health establishments where there is a need for protection against biological risks.


Among other gloves that you can check on our website.

For more information, please contact us on Facebook and LinkedIN.