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June 18 is celebrated the Day of the Chemist, professional who works in the research and production of various products such as oil, cosmetics, food, medicines, vaccines, biofuels, beverages, among others, besides performing the analysis of compounds and their physical-chemical characteristics, reactions and variations, the expertise and quality control of these products.

It is a profession of vital importance for modern society, and are present, for example, on the front line in the battle against Covid-19. Chemical professionals around the world are working bravely on several fronts, such as manufacturing products such as alcohol gel and disinfectants, quality control of products present in the market, the study of the new coronavirus and research for vaccines and therapies against the disease.

Solidarity performance

Since the beginning of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, the Brazilian Federal Chemical Council and the Regional Councils have mobilized voluntarily and solidarily to produce and donate 70% alcohol, one of the main items in the hygiene and control of the virus. More than 80,000 liters of alcohol gel and glycerin have already been given to hospitals, NGOs, underserved communities and public agencies.

This work has been indispensable in controlling the advance of the virus in Brazil, which saw many cities in the country suffer at the beginning of the pandemic with the lack of alcohol gel in supermarkets and pharmacies, leading many people to be without the product for weeks.

The campaign, entitled Solidarity Chemistry, mobilized even some professionals who had not worked in laboratories for years, such as teachers and managers. And the main beneficiaries as a project have been hospitals. Several units across the country have received donations, which have made all the difference in controlling and fighting the virus.

Protection for professionals

Surgical and surgical gloves are an important barrier between the professional and agents that can cause diseases, injuries and allergies, among which, body fluids, blood, chemicals and microorganisms.

Nihilic gloves are a great choice for chemical professionals. They have much more resistance than those manufactured with other types of disposables, such as latex gloves, for example.

Read also: The right glove for every activity

They suffer much less wear and tear during their use, being indicated for the handling of corrosive chemicals such as chlorinated solvents, alcohols, petroleum derivatives, different types of oils and also some acids. In addition, they are antiallergic, making it the ideal option for those who have reactions to latex.

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Kevenoll do Brasil declares its full support to all health professionals in the fight to contain the New Coronavirus. Follow the prevention recommendations. Stay at home. Take care of yourself and your neighbor.

Sources: The Globe and CFQ