The month of October is already known worldwide as a month marked by affirmative actions related to the prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer. The movement, known as Pink October, has been celebrated annually since the 1990s. The objective of the campaign is to share information about breast cancer and, more recently, cervical cancer, promoting awareness of the diseases, providing greater access to diagnostic services and contributing to the reduction of mortality.
Which is?
It is the most common type of cancer in Brazilian women. In this disease, there is an abnormal development of breast cells, which multiply repeatedly until they form a malignant tumor.
Early diagnosis is still the greatest ally for the effective treatment of breast cancer. When identified early, it can be treated, preventing the tumor from reaching other organs.
What are the symptoms of breast cancer?
Although some of the symptoms, when seen in isolation, do not necessarily mean the development of breast cancer, the easiest symptom to be noticed by women is a lump in the breast, with or without pain. The skin on the breast may look like an orange peel; small lumps may also appear under the arm. It should be remembered that not every lump is a breast cancer, so it is important to consult a healthcare professional.
How is breast cancer diagnosed?
Carrying out the so-called self-examination is the first step to identify possible lumps in the breasts. Just feel the six and try to identify whether or not there are lumps. As this is the most common form of manifestation of the disease, there are great chances of diagnosing the problem at an early stage.
When looking for a doctor, he will recommend carrying out laboratory tests that can identify what the nodules are. Imaging tests such as mammography, ultrasound and MRI may be ordered. The main advantage of mammography is that when a tumor is diagnosed at an early stage, breast cancer has up to a 95% chance of cure. In addition, the treatment is less aggressive and has a shorter duration.
How to prevent breast cancer?
It is impossible to prevent yourself with 100% effectiveness against it. However, performing periodic exams such as mammography or breast ultrasound is essential to identify and fight the disease in early stages, if necessary.
According to INCA, at least 30% of cases could be avoided if patients adopted healthier lifestyles. This includes the practice of physical activities, healthy eating, maintaining weight within an appropriate range according to height and reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Breastfeeding is another factor that reduces the risk of developing cancer in women.
Finally, the use of synthetic hormones such as birth control and hormone replacement therapies should be avoided whenever possible.
Don’t leave your treatment for later. When you notice the slightest of symptoms, schedule an appointment immediately and perform the laboratory tests indicated to clear all your doubts. Although the medical recommendation is to carry out the exams from the age of 40, the number of cases registered in younger women has increased.
So, as a precaution, start the routine of check-ups as soon as possible. Don’t wait until symptoms appear: at least once a year see a doctor for a complete check-up.