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A report released this month (May 2020) by the Brazilian Ministry of Health indicates that almost 200,000 health professionals in the country were suspected of having contracted the new coronavirus (Covid-19). Of these, the publication states that 31,700 had the suspicions confirmed.

Regardless of the confirmation of the cases, the authorities say that only suspicion already has a major impact on the sector, since the professional needs to be removed from work until the case is dropped or that he is cured and out of danger.


In addition, the high rate alerts physicians and other health professionals to even more attention to the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). A survey recently conducted by the Brazilian Federal Council of Medicine, conducted in the 5 regions of the country, shows that the biggest complaint of physicians treating patients with Covid-19 is the lack of sufficient PPE.

Life-saving equipment:

Gloves, masks, glasses and aprons are some of the indispensable equipment in the protection kit for professionals who are dealing with patients infected with Covid-19. They act as a protective barrier that prevents doctors, nurses and anyone else who has contact with an infected person from contracting the virus.

In addition, PPE also prevent the doctor from passing some microorganism to the patient and cause a worsening of his condition. The use of PPE has never been more fundamental than at this time in which we live, considering the great contamination capacity of Covid-19, and the continuous increase in the number of infected who arrive at hospitals and medical units every day.

pandemic, epidemic, covid19, coronavirus

In the case of procedure gloves, for example, it is necessary to be aware of:

  1. Correct footwear of gloves, sanitizing hands well with water, soap and antiseptic before and after use;
  2. Correct removal of gloves, taking care not to let the skin come into contact with the contaminated external side;
  3. Change the gloves worn for new ones whenever it comes into contact with a new patient, if you are moving from one contaminated body site to another clean, or when the gloves are damaged;
  4. The administrative sector of hospitals, clinics and health units in general must ensure that there are always enough gloves in stock and that they are acquired with a certified company, ensuring the effectiveness of protection.

Read also: Coronavirus: Care that can save lives.

And remember: Health professionals are the frontline in the fight against Covid-19. Ensuring the safety of the workers in your unit is critical to overcoming this virus.

Get to know Kevenoll products, and ensure certified and quality gloves. Kevenoll do Brasil declares its full support to all health professionals in the fight to contain the New Coronavirus. Follow the prevention recommendations. Stay at home. Take care of yourself and your neighbor.

Read also: Procedure Gloves: Protection against coronavirus

Sources: G1 News and G1