+55 (47) 3349-6168 kevenoll@kevenoll.com.br

On June 9, the National Immunization Day is celebrated in Brazil. A day to discuss and raise awareness about the importance of vaccination, and to charge the authorities to encourage research in the area and make vaccines available especially for the population that has less access to them.

Vaccines have dead or attenuated molecules of certain diseases, which when they enter the body stimulate the immune system to react and produce antibodies to defend the body against these agents, immunizing the body against the diseases they cause.

And contrary to what many people think, vaccines are not just for children or the elderly. People of all ages can and should be immunized, which is essential to control and even eradicate various diseases such as measles, pertussis, cervical cancer, tetanus, rubella, etc.


Currently, several laboratories around the world are working on developing a vaccine against the new coronavirus, which is the cause of Covid-19. In May of this year, positive preliminary results were reported for more than one type of vaccine against the disease.

Some news reports even released a possible release of the vaccine to the population from October 2020, and on a large scale in 2021. However, this information has not yet been confirmed.

For health professionals who work performing immunization, always remember that the use of gloves is indispensable to avoid their contamination and that of their patient, especially at the time when we live with the Covid-19 pandemic.

Get to know our products:

Laex Gloves – Very malleable and comfortable, latex gloves allow a lot of sensitivity to touch and adapt very well to the hands. They are more elastic than synthetic latex gloves and are also impervious to liquids.

Nihilic Gloves – Produced in synthetic rubber, they are very resistant to tears, perforations, chemicals, wear and abrasives. Considered an antiallergic glove, the nihilic glove is very versatile, and an effective substitute for those allergic to natural latex.

Neoprene Gloves – Also produced in synthetic rubber, Neoprene gloves are quite resistant against various chemicals and high temperatures. They are waterproof, and facilitate the handling of various materials.

Always prioritize the use of certified products and ensure more security for your establishment and your employees. Click here to know all Kevenoll products.

Kevenoll do Brasil declares its full support to all health professionals in the fight to contain the New Coronavirus. Follow the prevention recommendations. Stay at home. Take care of yourself and your neighbor.