+55 (47) 3349-6168 kevenoll@kevenoll.com.br

The fashion of gourmet cuisine expands more and more, especially with the popularization of fairs and gastronomic events much sought after by young audiences. And with it, the number of fast-food chains, food-trucks and burger shops throughout Brazil has been increasing exponentially, as an outlet adopted by small business owners to the economic crisis that the country is going through.

However, regulators often encounter hygiene problems in this type of establishment, many of them caused by a lack of information on what types of procedures to adopt to prevent food contamination. Some websites and blogs found on the Internet even pass on incorrect information regarding the use of PPE’s and other items in the food area, such as the proper use of procedure gloves.

The use of gloves is much more than a matter of style, it is a matter of hygiene and safety for professionals and for customers who will eat those foods. You must always be aware of the recommendations for use to know when and where to use the procedure gloves correctly.

Unlike what many believe, gloves should not be used throughout the food preparation process. Not all workstations in kitchens require the use of procedure gloves, and their use when done incorrectly and unnecessary makes them a potential source of spread of microorganisms.

In reality, they are only indicated for food assembly squares, where there is no approximation with heat sources. For example, in the assembly of salads and sandwiches, to cut breads, arrange french fries on the customer’s plate, etc.

In cooking areas, i.e., near stoves, ovens, fryers, among other heat sources, the use of gloves can cause serious accidents and even food contamination. Common procedure gloves do not have thermal resistance (regardless of color!), and close to the fire can melt, causing burns in the professional and occasionally leaving residues in the food.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that only the use of gloves will not protect food from microorganisms causing diseases. Careful care is required with hand hygiene before and after the use of gloves. Another point worthy of attention is the reuse of the gloves already used. This practice is completely contraindicated, and it is necessary to change the gloves whenever changing the workstation.

What kind of gloves to wear in each situation?

  • Disposable vinyl, plastic or latex glove: used in the handling of cold foods and plate assembly processes;
  • Thermal glove: recommended to prevent burns when touching hot surfaces;
  • Steel mesh sleeve: recommended to avoid cuts in meat handling. They must be properly sanitized, and if possible, coated with disposable gloves.

Now that you know the proper way to make use of gloves in your establishment, you need to choose reliable products to ensure quality service for your customers. Click and get to know Kevenoll products from Brazil.