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As the new coronavirus (COVID – 19) spreads around the world, making a major impact on health, the economy also ends up suffering damage. Social isolation, indispensable to stop the advance of contamination, has as one of its main side effects the losses suffered by the market.

A large number of companies, especially in the area of trade in items considered non-essential, suffer a large drop in their revenues, and many threaten to have to close their doors.

Therefore, governments around the world have sought strategies for the resumption of economic and social activities soon. This April, for example, U.S. President Donald Trump announced a three-step plan for this resumption in states that show a fall in contagion numbers.

In Europe, countries such as Germany, Austria, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Iceland and Norway have announced a back-to-school scheme, while Spain, for example, has authorized the reopening of the industrial, construction sector, law firms such as law firms, domestic workers, among others.

In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro studies the possibility of gradually resuming economic activities since the beginning of the month, and the government of the State of Santa Catarina has already authorized the gradual return of some economic activities.use of masks and glovesAnd what about security?

Despite the expected positive impact of this resumption of activities on the world economy, doctors and scientists are still concerned about the issue of health. Covid-19 is a disease that spreads very easily, and already registers more than 2.5 million infected with nearly 180,000 dead worldwide.

For this reason, everyone who is allowed to return to their activities needs to redouble their attention and care for hygiene and health, preventing the number of contaminations from growing again.

What care should be taken in this return?


Business care:

  1. Restriction of access to up to 50% of the total capacity of the site;
  2. Access control and availability of alcohol gel for hygiene of customers’ hands at the entrances;
  3. Adoption of removal measures of at least 1.5 meters in the internal and external areas of the establishments;
  4. Prioritization of home office work whenever possible;
  5. Paramentation of all staff and employees with masks and gloves;
  6. Keep environments ventilated;
  7. Provision of transport vehicle for employees, respecting the limit of 50% of capacity;
  8. Provision of information on security measures, and regular guidance to employees on security measures.

Read also: Health and Nutrition: Healthy Body Against Coronavirus

Care for the general public:

  1. Wear a mask and gloves every time you leave the house;
  2. Avoid contact of the hands with the face;
  3. Avoid environments with crowding of people;
  4. Keep the distance of at least 1.5 meters from other people;
  5. Take care of food to maintain strengthen immunity;
  6. If you’re part of the risk group, stay home.

Read also: Coronavirus: Danger also for those who are not in the risk group

Kevenoll do Brasil declares its full support to all health professionals in the fight to contain the New Coronavirus. Follow the prevention recommendations. Stay at home. Take care of yourself and your neighbor.