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Recently, the website O GLOBO published the results of a survey based on data provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health on the profile of those killed by the new coronavirus in Brazil. The survey found that 25% of the fatal victims of COVID-19, since the first record of the disease in the country, were under 60 years old and did not have pre-existing diseases that aggravate symptoms.

This means that a quarter of those killed by coronavirus across the country were out of the disease risk group. This proportion is 5 times higher than in countries such as Spain, for example, where the percentage of deaths outside the risk group for the new coronavirus is just over 4% of the total fatalities.

Source: O Globo

It is believed that this increase in numbers in Brazil was caused by the thought that COVID-19 “kills only the elderly”, when in fact this is a dangerous disease for everyone. That is, although the coronavirus presents more severity for those who fit in the risk group, it also presents danger to those outside it.

Other researchers also hypothesized that Brazil is facing a possible mutation of the virus. This means that "there is a possibility that Brazilians are facing a more aggressive pathogen for out-of-risk groups than seen in other countries," as infectologist Alexandre Vargasbold Schwarz, a professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria, told O GLOBO.

However, whatever the cause of the percentage increase, these data only alert to the need for care and prevention also outside the risk group. Even if you are young, or do not have pre-existing diseases, be aware of the ways to prevent the new coronavirus:

  • Wash your hands properly with soap and water, or use alcohol in gel;
  • Cover the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing;
  • Avoid agglomerations;
  • Keep environments ventilated;
  • Do not share personal objects such as plates, cutlery, water bottles, glasses, towels, among others;
  • Take care of immunity.

Read also: Health and Nutrition: Healthy Body Against Coronavirus

Masks and gloves: who should wear?

According to the Brazilian Society of Pulmonology and Tisiology (SBPT), the use of masks is only recommended for patients with confirmed cases and for those with suspected disease, being exchanged and discarded every 4 hours of use. People with symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, runny nose and fever should also wear the masks, avoiding spreading the virus.

Masks, as well as procedure gloves, should also be used by people living with someone who has had confirmation of the disease, avoiding touching with their hands the same objects as the infected person. However, this use should be done with great caution, avoiding taking gloved hands to the face, especially nose and mouth. After use, gloves should also be discarded.

For those who live with someone who has been infected with COVID-19, the highest recommendation is also isolation. Avoid staying in the same room as the sick person or, if this is not possible, maintain a distance of about 2 (two) meters between the residents.

For all other people, the current recommendation of the Ministry of Health is to use masks (homemade or simple surgical) whenever you leave home, given that recent research has revealed that most of the contamination happens from asymptomatic people.

Read also: Coronavirus – care that can save lives
Kevenoll do Brasil reinforces its full support for all health professionals in the fight to contain the New Coronavirus. Follow the prevention recommendations. Stay at home. Take care of yourself and your neighbor.

Sources: O Globo, Abril, SBPT and Ministry of Health