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Covid 19 is a new agent in the coronavirus family, which had its first cases recorded in December 2019 in China. It is a highly contagious disease that can cause severe respiratory infections like pneumonia, and which has a considerable mortality rate.

Your risk group mainly includes seniors over 60, but can reach people of all ages. In addition, diabetics, hypertensive patients with chronic renal insufficiencies, patients with chronic respiratory diseases, patients with cardiovascular diseases, and people with the most diverse types of immunological problems are more vulnerable to the action of this virus. 

Social Isolation: United at a distance.

In just three months since its first case in China, coronavirus has spread to all continents around the world, worrying international authorities. There are millions of people infected and thousands dead around the world. Not to mention so many other people infected, but who have no symptoms and do not enter the official statistics.Because it is a viral agent with a high potential for contamination, and in almost half of cases of asymptomatic remains (especially in younger ones), social isolation is the main preventive measure recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

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This measure, seen by many as exaggeration, has saved countless lives around the world, being adopted by both developed countries and poorer or developing countries. The action also aims to prevent the collapse of health systems in several countries, which fear to reach the point of having more patients than beds and doctors to treat them.So far, there is no vaccine or medicine to treat Covid 19, so isolation can save thousands of lives. In addition, other attitudes that help prevent the disease are:

  • Wash your hands properly with soap and water, or use alcohol in gel;
  • Cover the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing;
  • Avoid agglomerations;
  • Keep environments ventilated;
  • Do not share personal objects such as plates, cutlery, water bottles, glasses, towels, among others.

PPE’s – Protection for those who are at the forefront of this fight.

The use of Personal Protective Equipment has never been more fundamental than at this time in which we live, considering the great contamination capacity of Covid 19. Masks, apron, eye protector or face shield, and procedure gloves are indispensable items for all physicians and health agents who are working incessantly in the fight against coronavirus.


Read also: How to make the correct footwear of the procedure gloves?

Regarding the procedure gloves, the Clinical Management Protocol for the New Coronavirus – a document made available by the Brazilian Ministry of Health – recommends that:

  • The gloves of non-surgical procedures should be used when there is a risk of contact of the professional's hands with blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions, mucous membranes, unhealthy skin and contaminated articles or equipment, in order to reduce the possibility of transmission of the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) to the health worker, as well as from patient to patient through the hands of the professional.
  • When the procedure to be performed on the patient requires aseptic technique, sterile gloves (surgical procedure) should be used.
  • Change the gloves whenever you contact another patient.
  • Also change during contact with the patient, if you are moving from one contaminated body site to another clean, or when it is damaged.
  • Never unnecessarily touch surfaces and materials (such as phones, door handles, doors) when wearing gloves.
  • Do not wash or reuse the same pair of gloves (gloves should not be reused).
  • The use of gloves does not replace hand hygiene.
  • Proceed to hand hygiene immediately after the gloves have been removed.
  • Observe the correct glove removal technique to avoid hand contamination.

Kevenoll do Brasil declares its full support to all health professionals in the fight to contain the New Coronavirus. Follow the prevention recommendations. Stay at home. Take care of yourself and your neighbor.