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Gloves act as a barrier to control the spread of microorganisms in hospital, laboratory and food environments. They fulfill the role of protecting the professional as well as the environment, reducing the risk of contamination.Care

However, the World Health Organization warns that the correct technique of wearing gloves is essential to prevent them from being contaminated, and lose their usefulness. 

In addition, it is important to remember that only the use of gloves does not offer complete protection against the propagation of contaminants, being indispensable the correct hygiene of the hands, among other care. 

Check out the step-by-step for the correct placement of the gloves:

1. Perform correct hand washing (basic washing or surgical washing);

2.Open the glove pack, or have someone open and expose the package to you. Open the wrapping on a clean surface and comfortable height for your handling;

3.Hold the tabs of the package and open to both sides, exposing the gloves. The gloves are arranged correctly in front of you, where the glove of the right hand is to your right and the glove of the left hand to your left;

4.With your non-dominant hand (left e.g.) hold by the inner face of the glove (which comes bent purposely) and insert the fingers of the dominant hand (right hand), calmly adjusting the fingers internally and very carefully not to contaminate the sterile part. (Note. When you are out of gloves, hold only the inner face of the glove, because it is the part that will come into contact with your skin);

5.Insert until the hand enters the glove completely, always holding it by the inner face. Don’t worry if your fingers are misplaced, you can adjust them when you have the gloves on both hands;


6.With the dominant hand sidewalk, hold the other by the outer face, ie inside the existing fold. Do not touch your fingers on the outer face of the fold, as it is contaminated;


7.Always holding by the fold of the glove cuff, calmly insert the non-dominant hand (left) into the glove similar to the one previously performed, with the care of not touching non-sterile places, or on the skin itself.

8.Insert all left hand into the glove. 


9.Carefully adjust your fingers correctly on the gloves if necessary;

10.Keep your hands up, without touching anything so as not to contaminate them.