+55 (47) 3349-6168 kevenoll@kevenoll.com.br

Celebrated on July 2, annually, in Brazil, Hospital Day is a way to honor health professionals, such as doctors, nurses, radiologists, biochemists, physiotherapists, psychologists, nutritionists, social workers, dentists, health technicians, administrative staff, hygiene and cleaning, among others. Hospitals are treatment centers that have an extremely important social function, providing the population with comprehensive, curative and preventive medical care. July 2 is a date focused on raising awareness about the importance of hospitals and fostering discussion on ways to improve the needs of the population in hospitals. In addition to receiving and caring for the sick, many hospitals also have a research center where doctors are dedicated to seeking disease cures and ways to make our lives better and better.

Doctors intubate patient

Procedure Gloves – protection for healthcare professionals

Medical procedure gloves (sterile or not) are indispensable items in clinics and hospitals around the world. The asepsis and rigorous cleaning of the hospital environment, as well as the hands and clothes of health professionals, ensures that there is no cross-contamination – the transfer of microorganisms from health professionals to patients and vice versa.

And at a time when the world is facing a Covid-19 pandemic, this PPE – Personal Protective Equipment – becomes even more important. A report released this month (May 2020) by the Brazilian Ministry of Health indicates that almost 200,000 health professionals in the country were suspected of having contracted the new coronavirus (Covid-19). Of these, the publication states that 31,700 had the suspicions confirmed.

Gloves act as a protective barrier that prevents doctors, nurses and anyone else who has contact with an infected person from contracting the virus. In addition, PPE also prevent the doctor from passing some microorganism to the patient and cause a worsening of his condition.

The doctor puts on surgical gloves to ensure hygiene and safety.

And remember: Health professionals are the frontline in the fight against Covid-19. Ensuring the safety of the workers in your unit is critical to overcoming this virus.

Get to know Kevenoll productsc, and ensure certified and quality gloves. Kevenoll do Brasil declares its full support to all health professionals in the fight to contain the New Coronavirus. Follow the prevention recommendations. Stay at home. Take care of yourself and your neighbor.