+55 (47) 3349-6168 kevenoll@kevenoll.com.br

Covid 19 is a new agent in the coronavirus family, which has spread rapidly around the world. It is a highly contagious disease that can cause severe respiratory infections and can lead to death. The new coronavirus does not yet have a vaccine, and scientists and researchers are looking for the ideal treatment for this disease.

At the moment, prevention with rigid hygiene habits and social isolation are the best ways to avoid the disease, which can reach people of all ages and genders, but especially elderly people with pre-existing diseases (diabetics, hypertensive patients with chronic kidney insufficiencies, patients with chronic respiratory diseases, patients with cardiovascular diseases, and people with various types of immunological problems).

In a few months, there are already more than 3 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 worldwide, with 211,000 deaths. These numbers continue to grow and therefore hygiene rules cannot be ignored. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that washing your hands regularly with soap and water, or using alcohol in gel, is critical to prevent the spread of the virus. In addition, it is recommended to cover the nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, avoid agglomerations and keep the environments ventilated.

Recently, who began to recommend the use of masks for the entire population, after observing that the risk of contagion decreases even more when this item of protection is used by both infected people and people who do not present any symptoms.

Coronavirus,covid19, gloves, masks

But what about the gloves? How and when should you use?

The procedure gloves are classified as an PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) that is extremely necessary in clinics and hospitals, avoiding the risk of cross-contamination between physicians and patients, preserving both lives.

However, the use of gloves should be restricted to professional use, since the correct technique of pavement, use and removal of them is of vital importance for their effectiveness. That is, when the use is done incorrectly, the gloves may not exercise the necessary protection, and the person ends up contaminating in any way.

For this reason, the best recommendation for the general public to do proper hand hygiene, and only use the gloves if you need to touch something with suspected contamination, avoiding touching anything else with gloved hands, especially the face, and discarding the gloves immediately after use.

Read also: Safe removal of contaminated gloves

For health professionals, however, the use of gloves is indispensable. And given the severity of Covid-19, ensuring quality gloves for your hospital or clinic is essential.

Kevenoll do Brasil works with high quality gloves, and certified and tested brands to ensure total protection for you and your patient, also against Covid-19.

Get to know some of our products:

Latex Gloves – Natural latex gloves are widely used in the medical field. They are very malleable and comfortable gloves, which allow a lot of sensitivity to the touch and adapt very well to the hands. They are more elastic than synthetic latex gloves and are also impervious to liquids. They can be sterile or not, being used in various surgical procedures. Recommended for medical, agro-industrial, aesthetic and other.

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Read also: Natural or Synthetic Latex Gloves: Understand the Difference

Nihilic Gloves – They are synthetic rubber gloves that are very resistant to tears, perforations, chemicals, wear and abrasives. Considered an antiallergic glove, the nihilic glove is very versatile, and an effective substitute for those allergic to natural latex. Recommended for professionals in the medical, agroindustrial, food, chemical/pharmaceutical, aesthetic, among others.

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Neoprene Gloves – Neoprene gloves are quite resistant against various chemicals and high temperatures. They are made of synthetic rubber, waterproof, and facilitate the handling of various materials. They are non-sterile gloves, widely used in the automotive, food, chemical and cleaning sectors.

gloves, pandemic, crisis

Always prioritize the use of certified products and ensure more security for your establishment and your employees. Click here to know all Kevenoll products.

Kevenoll do Brasil declares its full support to all health professionals in the fight to contain the New Coronavirus. Follow the prevention recommendations. Stay at home. Take care of yourself and your neighbor.