+55 (47) 3349-6168 kevenoll@kevenoll.com.br

Created by the International Union for Cancer Control with the support of the World Health Organization, World Cancer Day is celebrated on February 4. The campaign, which has been going on since 2005, aims to raise awareness and educate the population about the disease, helping to prevent millions of deaths each year.

In addition, the date aims to pressure and charge authorities around the world to mobilize for cancer control and the creation of actions that collaborate in the fight and prevention of the disease.


And 2020 arrives with positive perspectives for the treatment of various types of cancer, such as the 30 Days Law in Brazil. Recently sanctioned, it is a law that determines a maximum period of one month for the performance of tests that prove the diagnosis of cancer by the Unified Health System (SUS), throughout the Brazilian national territory.
This is a very significant advance, as early diagnosis and immediate-onset treatment are critical to increase the chances of cure cancer patients.
Another great expectation for the area is the growth of Immunotherapy – a biological treatment that aims to boost the immune system of the individual, so that it can fight infections and diseases such as cancer.Cancer. Disease, preventionHow can I help in the fight against cancer?

Some practical attitudes you can adopt are:

  • Get engaged. Try to keep track of actions to combat the disease, and participate in any way you can. These actions help inform the population and collect responses from the authorities;
  • Know your body. Keep an eye out for signs and changes. If you notice any change in the appearance and normal functioning of your body, seek medical attention;
  • Visit a doctor regularly, and have preventive tests. Early diagnosis is essential to increase the chances of cure;
  • Choose healthy foods and exercise regularly;
  • Avoid cigarettes and alcoholic beverages;
  • Protect yourself from excessive sun. Wear sunscreen, sunglasses and caps whenever you need to be exposed to the sun.
  • Avoid contact with chemicals such as asbestos and pesticides, and the use of plastic containers containing BPA.

This is not an individual battle, but of all of us. Kevenoll do Brasil supports actions to combat cancer.