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An epidemic is the occurrence of a disease in a region in much higher numbers than expected for that period. In recent years diseases such as dengue, zika, chicugunha, yellow fever, and more recently measles, have reached alarming numbers in several countries of the world, including Brazil.

From January to April 2019 alone, there were almost 500,000 dengue cases in Brazil. In the case of measles, the situation may not yet be considered an epidemic in Brazil, and is being described as an “outbreak” by the authorities. From August 2019 to January 2020, 753 cases of the disease were confirmed in Paraná alone. But the numbers are worrisome in several states.

mosquito, epidemics, diseases, virusesmosquito, epidemics, diseases, viruses

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease, and its transmission occurs in a similar way to the flu, passing from one person to another through coughing, secretions and direct contact with an infected person. In its most severe cases it can cause neurological problems, hearing loss and even death. In addition, recent research claims that measles may be the gateway to other infections even after the patient is cured, by causing a weakening of the immune system.

How to help prevent a disease from reaching the level of an epidemic?

To prevent an epidemic of any disease it is necessary the collective effort of the entire population together with the authorities. Joint actions ranging from the availability of vaccines and appropriate treatments, to raising awareness of attitudes that prevent the spread of diseases and help in the control and eradication.

In Brazil, measles has been considered an eradicated disease since the 1990s, but the country has lost its certificate in recent months. And the disease has reached extremely worrying numbers around the world. Countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Greece and Albania have also lost their measles eradication certificates in the past two years.

The return of the disease occurred mainly by the decrease in the number of people vaccinated in these countries, because for the disease to be controlled it is necessary that more than 90% of the population is vaccinated.

Analysis, epidemics, diseases

However, there are some attitudes that can make all the difference.

  • Be aware of vaccines, immunizing and immunizing children;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before and after meals, after using the bathroom, after sneezing, coughing or touching your nose.
  • Avoid direct contact with infected people, especially when dealing with diseases such as measles.

In the case of health agents (physicians, nurses, and other professionals), whose contact with infected people is inevitable, attention to safety and protection measures needs to be doubled.

The use of procedure gloves and masks, for example, cannot be neglected in any way. This small attitude already helps to prevent diseases from spreading even faster.

For hospitals, clinics and health centers in general, maintaining adequate control of the stock of these items and always choosing to acquire quality material, is also an effective way to help control that this and other diseases spread and contaminate the hospital environment and professionals working in combating and controlling them.

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Planning and inventory for 2020

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