+55 (47) 3349-6168 kevenoll@kevenoll.com.br

On October 25, the National Oral Health Day is celebrated nationally, and Dentist’s Day, a professional who deals not only with teeth problems, but also gums, cheeks, mouth and facial bones. That is, oral health as a whole and dental aesthetics.The date aims to honor all dentists in Brazil, and raise awareness among the population about the importance of oral hygiene, which can prevent various diseases and which is also a risk that dentistry presents to professionals in the area.

Diseases such as Hepatitis B and C, HIV among other viruses and bacteria can be contracted through contact with blood and saliva. In addition, a multitude of microorganisms can be transmitted from the hands of the dentist to the patient, making it essential that dentists make proper use of protective equipment, such as caps, masks, and especially procedure gloves.

In the routine of dental offices and clinics, dentists still need to deal with sharp instruments and chemical substances. Hands and arms are always exposed to the risk of accidents and contamination, even in the simplest of procedures, and therefore, the use of procedure gloves is essential.

Because they are more resistant to tears and perforations, the nihilistic gloves are the most recommended for the dental routine. Natural latex gloves, despite being slightly less resistant than nihilic gloves, allow much more sensitivity to the professional, and are also very suitable for dental procedures.

Kevenoll do Brasil has a variety of certified and quality products for dental procedures. Click and check it out.

Happy Dentist’s Day.